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Parent Heroes

Parent Heroes

Parent Heroes

Parent Heroes endeavour to build connections with all parts of the company to achieve their mission. We are partnering on multiple projects with stakeholders across the company, as well as multiple teams within the People & Culture organisation

Who We Are

Founded in early 2022, Parent Heroes is a diverse group of working parents. The community is for anyone who wants to become a parent or defines as a parent (biological, adoptive-, foster-, step- parent etc.) We believe in intersectionality— all types of family constellations are welcome! 

Our Mission

The mission of Parent Heroes is to offer a network of fellow working parents who give each other support, mentoring and understanding of both the company’s and country’s culture. 

Share the Knowledge

We facilitate knowledge sharing & exchange to improve the visibility of working parents to the rest of the company and improve the general well being of parents working at Delivery Hero.


Dedicated guides & intranet pages for parent-related questions (e.g A Guide to Having a Baby in Berlin)


Workshops to support with child related admin (e.g Kindergeld applications & how to complete them)


Parent Buddy Program that pairs new parents with experienced parents at Delivery Hero to connect and support on all topics. 


Regular online and in-person get-togethers and events to connect and socialise with families. 

Hero Kids Day 2024

Kids Day is an annual event dedicated to celebrating employees with children, including parents, guardians, siblings, aunts, uncles, and anyone who has a little Hero in their life. Watch the video below.

Press Play


Neha Desai - Manager, People Systems 
I am so delighted to be part of Parent Heroes here at DeliveryHero. Navigating the complexities of raising children away from our home country brings unique trials. Language barriers, cultural differences, and a lack of local family support can sometimes make the journey seem isolating. I often turn to the Hero Parents community and find solace and solutions: Whether it's advice on finding English-speaking schools, recommendations for paediatricians, or simply sharing our experiences, this community is a treasure trove of knowledge and empathy. I thank all the contributors for taking time out of their busy schedules to answer questions, give suggestions, and foster a sense of belonging!


Ben Armstrong - Senior Director, Global Payments Product 

Parent Heroes has been a big help in my first month as a new Delivery Hero employee, and as a new immigrant to Germany. The group's responsiveness and friendliness have made me feel like I'm not alone in navigating the sometimes-complicated system of school processes, and I've consistently found the content helpful as my family assimilates to our new home.


Felicia Pranata - QA Analyst

The Parent Heroes Community has helped me in transitioning back to work from my parental leave. The experiences, tips, information and solidarity shared within the community make me feel that I am not alone in doing two full time roles: as a mother and as a Hero.


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